Fall Frenzy
Big 20 / big fish side pot
$250 entry fee
Toledo and Rayburn only
Thrifty Bull truck stop off tx 103
Tag - Louisiana
Day Shoot Big 5 / Big 3 NN / Big fish 6am-8pm $300 entry fee, $100 split to each pot Open to any public waters except Trinity River Only 1 GG per...
Big 20 / big fish side pot $250 entry fee Garrets Park, Logansport LA No Catfish 1 Gator Gar per team Four (4) People per team Sign in starts at 6 PM...
Day shoot Big 10 / Big fish side pot 6am-8pm $250 entry fee Open to any public waters except Trinity River Only 1 GG per team Garrets Park...
NWLA Tournament Series
Big 20 / Big fish side pot
$250 entry fee
Toledo Bend only
Big 20 and Numbers event. Details coming soon.