ID – CJ Strike
Format for CJ Strike May 21-22..
We’re going to try something new for this tournament…if it’s a hit we may do it again.
We’re going to do a big 5/little 5. We will also do big fish each day.
Cost will be $50.00 per shooter, up to 4 shooters. Big fish will be $25.00 a day.
Each team will bring in 10 fish per day. We’ll weigh your big 5 and then your little 5. Your weight after subtracting your little from the big is what will determine the leader board…
Example~ Big 5 weight=125 lbs and little 5 weight=50 lbs…your total for the leader board will be 75 lbs. Your big fish will count towards your big 5
If a team does not bring in 10 fish total, your little 5 must be weighed first and the remaining fish will go towards your big five. (Example-If you bring in 6 fish, your one big fish would have to outweigh the other five to get a weight) Five or less fish results in zero weight, but you can still compete for big fish of the day.
***ONLY COMMON AND MIRROR SCALE CARP WILL BE WEIGHED*** (No Crucian, pike minnow or suckers)
Rules/ boundries are being worked on as we speak…Stay tuned.

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