AZ – ABA Tournament – Roosevelt Lake
Big 10 Tournament Roosevelt Lake.
April 9TH and 10TH
Registration will be at the upper Grapevine parking lot from 7:00AM to 7:30AM.
Entry Fee $180 per team up to 4 shooters.
Includes big fish entry for each day. Payouts will be done Sunday 4/10. Payout for Saturday and Sunday Big Fish are separate but will both be paid on Sunday 4/10
Shooters meeting after registration. At least one person from each team to be present at the shooters meeting for important info and possible time changes due to weather. Takeoff will be at 8:00AM. All boats must either leave from Grapevine no wake area or trailer from parking lot to desired boat ramp. Teams trailering to different boat ramps may not leave the Grapevine parking lot until 8:00AM. Check in will be at 4:00PM Saturday and 3:00PM Sunday at the upper grapevine parking lot. Weigh in will be drive through setup. Have your 5 biggest fish ready to weigh. Tournament scales will not be used for teams to sort fish, if you need to sort fish go to the back of the weigh line. Payouts will pay 1 place for every 5 teams entered in Tournament.
Biggest 5 fish weighed Saturday and Biggest 5 fish weighed Sunday
For overall top total weight pay outs Sunday afternoon.
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